Sorry this is late! Audio issues held us back. Enjoy!
<h4>Fishstick's Top Pick Topics:</h4>Magnets. As one great philosopher of our time asked, "How do they work?" The gang talks about emitting things that are more pleasant than things they've emitted in the past.
<h4>The Brofessor's Life De-Stresser:</h4>Blood is thicker than water, but family is thicker than friends. Take that as you will.
<h4>Lulu's Viewer Reviews:</h4>The great British talk-off. Fishstick, The Brofessor, and Lady Chaznay have a foreign accent contest!
<h4>Mulch's News Garden:</h4>If you get beeped in the middle of the night and nobody is around to hear it, does your car still get blowed up? Find out more inside.
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